ART 240 Photo One: Assignments and in class projects

Matting & Mounting (Pdf 100k)

Masters of Photography
Search the Lightwork Collection

Inspired By Assignment

Personal Narrative Assignment

Final Portfolio

Criticizing Photographs

Experimental Photography

People Assignment
People Assignment (Print version)

DOF Overview

Depth of Field Assignment

Motion Control Assignment-

Motion with Black White and Grey (pdf)

Motion Control (Pdf File) 22k spring 05

Directional Light Assignment

Contact Sheet: Making a Proper Proof

First Roll of Film Checklist

Black White & Gray Test

Film Processing Guide


Exposure Wheel To print (PDF file 25k)

Final Portfolio
Personal Narrative
Inspired By
Experimental Photo Assignment

People Assignment

Check out the guide for contrast control. (pdf file 98k)



Experimental Image Making

Criticizing Photographs Readings

Directional light

Motion and Depth of Field
Controlling Depth of Field
Depth Of Field overview (PDF file)
Depth Of Field Calculator

Inspired By project

Personal Narrative

Mid-Term Evaluation

People Photography


Final Portfolio

In class projects:
Paper negatives

The basics:
Camera exposure- Black White Gray
Film developing
Contact print, proper proof
Contrast control- using filters
Motion control (class)
Depth of field (class)

Experimental techniques:
Double exposure in camera
Sandwich negatives
Printing from multiple negatives

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