
Final Portfolio: completing the semester

Final Portfolio 

All images should be fine prints of high quality images.
In addition to Large Format technical qualities they will be evaluated for strong composition, lighting and subject matter.
Technical movement images- it  should be obvious that the movement was used AND the movement made the image stronger/better
Required Images:
1 example of front rise/fall or shift
1 example of tilt or swing
1 example of rear movement
1 Still life
1 Landscape
1 Architecture (interior or exterior)
1 Environental portrait (include location space)
1 Free Choice
1 Large digital print (24 x 30)

Final Portfolio Support requirements

All shoot logs
All contact sheets

Make sure everything is identified:
1) Name

2) Negative number (matches log, contact sheet, digital scan, location shots)
3) Portfolio category

Share-Drive portfolio folder: scans of prints turned in and digital images showing camera position.

SHOOT Rear Camera Movement
For Tuesday Apr 16 Expose AT LEAST 4 sheets of film and develop them before class on Tuesday April 16th

1) Find subjects with strong flat horizontal components that you can look down on-

2) Place the camera to frame the subject on a flat plane (table) (landscape)

3) Tilt the camera to compose the subject with no movements, focus on foreground object

4) Use your digital camera to shoot your subject from the same camera position, zoom to match the same framing.

5) check the digital image to see if the lighting, exposure and subject matter looks the way you want.

6) Meter the subject, use the Quick Disc to determine if you need to compensate for bellows extension.

7) Use the front standard in a tilt to sharpen the plane of focus - (you might have to use rise-fall to recompose) Expose the Film

8) Repeat this with a vertical subject that extends away from the camera (like a wall)

Use the Front Standard SWING for a similar effect as the tilt.

8) Develop, Proof, Print- develop your film , make proof sheet, make one fine print for display on the hallway wall.