Photo Postcards

After KODAK’s invention of the popular “Brownie” Camera, they offered the option to have your photograph printed on PostCard paper. This paper was pre-printed with spaces for a message, an address and a postage stamp.
These postcards were used to convey information of great news events as well as personal news of family events. This was in the days before newspapers printed photographs and filled the roll we have today through e-mail, the internet and other media outlets.

This assignment is to create three postcard photographs that will be sent to someone outside the area. It is an opportunity to combine words with an image.

The first photo should give a broad view of the area you are sending from. In film terms this would be the “establishing shot”. You should not include signs or other written messages in the photo. You should use your imagination to create an image that conveys the essence of the area without being too literal. This should be a way for the recipient to get a feel for the area whithout visiting in person.

The second photo should be more specific about your interaction to the area. This could include a favorite space to hang out, or could reflect how you spend your time on campus or where you live or work.

The third photo should be more personal. It should portray the way you have personalized your experience at school or at the place you call home away from home.

The three prints will be made to fit the Post-Office’s requirement for postcards.
Size larger than “3 1/2 X 5 and smaller than “4 1/4 X 6

Make TWO copies of each photo. One copy will be mailed and the other will be graded and returned to you.

You will turn in your contact sheets that contain the images you hand in. Make sure everything is labeled with your name and class. Roll and frame numbers should be included on the second print you turn in. You will be provided with a large envelope to hand in your assignment.

Recommended Size - 4" X 6". If you make a larger print, you will be responsible for bringing first class postage 37¢.
