
Checklist of skills and understanding for midterm evaluation

You will use your camera (without exposing film) to determine proper exposure of a setup in the studio.
You will determine the best settings to achieve different depth of field effects.
You will be given a strip of negatives to make a proper proof strip with test strips. You will determine the best negative on the strip to print and make a print using contrast control and burning and dodging if nesessary.

There will be a few questions about camera and darkroom basics.

Basic areas you should be familiar with:

Camera functions
o Loading and unloading the Camera
o Film Speed- how it relates to lighting conditions
o Meter reading,
o Aperture- differences in large and small apertures
o Shutter Speed, motion control

o Exposure, gray card readings, compensating for black and white. Sunny 16 rule.
o Focus, depth of field- what changes in aperture do to focus.
o Movement, how it is controlled by shutter speed
o Composition

o Film Development, chemicals used, time and temperature
o Contact Sheet, what makes a proper proof

Print Evaluation
o Proper processing, chemicals used
o Focus
o Exposure, test strips, burning and dodging
o Contrast control, use of filters to raise and lower contrast
o Composition

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