Reminder for Photo One Class for Tuesday 10/25:

  • Visit the Masters-of-Photography site and select a photographer that you strongly react to.
  • Investigate the photographer's background by reading the information on the site.
  • Pick an image (or more than one) and write up a brief critique of the work using the guide we went over in class.

Criticizing The Artists Work: From Criticizing Photographs by Terry Barrett
The informed discourse about art to increase understanding and appreciation of art.

Describe - What do you see, what do you know? subject, medium, form, style...
Interpret - What choices has the artist made? What is implied beyond the surface image? Does this work remind you of anything, can you compare it to any other work?
Evaluate - Praise/Judge Does it affect you? Does it evoke an emotional response?
Theorize - is it art? If not, what is it? Who is the intended audience? Does it have anything to say about the world?

Shooting for Experimental Photography

Shoot a variety of double (or more) exposed images using one of these techniques:
Use the built in double exposure feature if you have it in your camera.

Defeat the film advance in your camera by holding in the rewind button and cocking the shutter and then take the second exposure. Cover the lens and take one blank shot after this procedure to advance the film for the next shot.

Shoot a number of initial exposures on the roll.
Rewind the film but not all the way into the film canister.
Reload the film and take the second exposures on top of the first.

You can sketch out the basic layout of your first exposures to try and insert the second image appropriately.

Have fun and experiment. If you are lucky, you will have exciting images to print.


Collect images that can be used to create multiple exposed pictures in the darkroom.

Shoot images of subjects and textures that might work together when you combine them in the darkroom. We will be sandwiching negatives and combining images with 2 enlargers.

Have this film developed and ready to work with at the next class.
