Close-up Photography

In this assignment you will close in on your subject to create a strong graphic design. By closing in you remove the subject from the surrounding environment and can concentrate with elements of design such as shape, line, form. Explore what happens when you try looking at your subject from different angles.

You should look for the effect of light and shadow on your subject. Your photographs should show evidence of directional light. Shadows and highlights are indicators of directional light and become part of your composition.

The rectangular frame of the photograph needs to be filled.

By moving in close to your subject you can simplify the design elements in the photo.

Shoot at least one roll of film, experimenting with close-up images. Shoot
some indoors and some outdoors. Look for sources of light and see what it does
to everyday objects. Experiment with depth of field to maximize the graphic
design of your photo.
You will hand in a perfect proof contact sheet as well as two prints at least
5" X 7". Be sure to label all your work and print as well as you can using contrast
control and burning and dodging if necessary.

Use your tripod!

The examples I have included are just a reference to different subjects and styles.
Please do not try to imitate Man-Ray's photo of "Tears".


Photography 1 - Fall 2003 Paul Pearce